Episode # 22: The Art of Giving Back, Volunteerism


Did you know that strategic volunteerism is a thing? On today’s episode, my co-host and I will discuss how to use volunteerism to advance in your career!

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Show Notes

Title: The Art of Giving Back, Volunteerism

Date Aired: 9/09/19

Host: Tyrone Campbell

Co-Host: Dr. Tonya Calhoun, A business owner, A wife, a career volunteer.


Today we discuss the art of giving back, volunteerism!


  1. Do you volunteer?
  2. If you do volunteer, do you do it because it looks great on your resume or were you taught as a child that volunteerism is something we should do?
  3. What are your feelings on volunteering your time to others?
  4. We will have a discussion about volunteerism. 
  5. My co-host for today is Dr. Tonya Calhoun.
  6. How does one aspire to become a career volunteer?
  7. What advice would give to a spouse of a career volunteer?
  8. To learn more or hire Dr. Tonya Calhoun click ink: http://www.altruisticallyyours.com/

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